
Sanskrit is a very rich language of IE language group. Sanskrit is a medium to know about ancient Indian history, culture, religion, social life through its text. The academic programme of both Honours and General degree courses are designed not only professional skill but also develop a deep understanding of rich heritage and dynamic prevalent scenario of India through various Sanskrit texts.

PO1. Develop a strong concept of ancient Indian history, philosophy and literature.

 PO2. Enhance communication skills-Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

PO3.Students will be able to write Devnagari scripts which provide them paleographical knowledge to read out the script of modern languages like Hindi and Marathi.

PO4. Increase in depth knowledge of the Core Areas of the subject.

PO5.Students will demonstrate the skill needed to participate in conversation that builds knowledge with collaboration.

 PO6.Reasonable understanding of multi-disciplinary relevance of literature of Sanskrit like Veda, Philisophy, Grammar, Kavya, Smitisastra etc.

PO7. To make them eligible for higher education.

PO8. Develop research aptitude and independent thinking.

 PO9. After becoming graduate students can apply in the field of UPSE, WBCS etc. And also after postgraduation they can apply against teaching posts in schools, colleges and other educational institutions.