Dr. Nirmalendu Ganai

Dr. Nirmalendu Ganai

Designation Assistant Professor
Department Physics
Date of Joining 16th March, 2010
Phone No. +91 9749275727
Email Id nirmalendu.phy@gmail.com
Academics Qualification M.Sc., Ph.D.
Area of Specialization Nuclear Physics
Courses Taught
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Statistical Mechanics
Research Interest Ordering in equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems, Active System, Tissue Competition.

  1. “Active Polymers in Confinement”, Nirmalendu Ganai, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, (2023) 14 (78): 57227 – 57237
  2. “Tissue Competition: Surprising Role of Cross-Adhesion”, Nirmalendu Ganai, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, (2023) 13 (76): 53253 – 53258
  3. “Size Dependent Chromosome Positioning using Gene-Density-Based Model”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, (2021) 12 (69): 37190 – 37194
  4. “Tissue evolution: Mechanical interplay of adhesion, pressure, and heterogeneity”, Tobias Büscher, Nirmalendu Ganai, Gerhard Gompper and Jens Elgeti, New Journal of Physics, (2020) 22
  5. “Nonequilibrium Biophysical Processes Influence the Large-Scale Architecture of the Cell Nucleus”, Ankit Agrawal, Nirmalendu Ganai, Surajit Sengupta and Gautam I. Menon, Biophysical Journal, (2020) 118: 2229 – 2244
  6. “Mechanics of tissue competition: Interfaces stabilize coexistence”, Nirmalendu Ganai, Tobias Büscher, Gerhard Gompper and Jens Elgeti, New Journal of Physics, (2019) 21
  7. “Chromatin as active matter”, Ankit Agrawal, Nirmalendu Ganai, Surajit Sengupta and Gautam I. Menon, Journal of Statistical
    Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2017) 2017 (1)
    Link: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-5468/aa5287/meta
  8. “Chromosome Positioning from Activity-based Segregation”, Nirmalendu Ganai, Surajit Sengupta and Gautam I. Menon, Nucleic Acids Research, (2014)
    42 (7): 4145-4159.
    Link: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/01/22/nar.gkt1417.abstrac
  9. “Colloidal particles in a drying suspension: A phase field crystal approach”, Nirmalendu Ganai, Arnab Saha and Surajit Sengupta, Eur. Phys. J. E, (2013) 36 : 90.
    Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epje/i2013-13090-3?no-access=true
  10. “Phase field crystal model of drying induced ordering of colloidal droplet”, Nirmalendu Ganai, Arnab Saha, Surajit Sengupta, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (2011) 319,
    Link: http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/319/1/012016
Talks/Posters/Papers Presented
  1. Presented a poster entitled “A Computer Simulation Study of Bulk Tissue Competition” in Symposium – From Membranes to Cells 2016, held in Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 7 – 8 November, 2016.
  2. Presented a poster entitled “Chromosome Positioning from Activity based Segregation” in Advanced Workshop on Interdisciplinary Views on Chromosome Structure and Function, held in the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, 15 – 19 September, 2014.
Participation in Schools/Conferences/Workshops/Symposia/Seminars
  1. School on Understanding Molecular Simulation, held at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru, India, 17 – 28 August, 2009.
  2. SERC School on Computational Statistical Physics, held at Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, 1 – 21 December, 2008.
  1. JRF Awarded by CSIR in December 2007.
  2. All India rank 103 in GATE 2008.